6 February 2016
1.1. All entries of the Festival are evaluated by five main jury categories which judge 5 contests:
- Creative jury judges Creative contest (nominations film, press, radio, outdoor);
- Branding jury judges Branding contest (nominations brand & corporate identity, label/packaging);
- Marketing jury judges Marketing contest (nominations promo & activations, PR, direct, media projects, integrated campaigns, marketing effectiveness, innovations);
- Digital jury judges Digital contest (nominations digital, mobile);
- Social advertising jury judges Social advertising contest.
1.2. Grand Prix is chosen by Grand Jury consisting of 2 representatives of main jury categories (except for Social advertising) - chairman and 1 representative of jury category. There can be also invited an independent expert who is not participating at work of main jury categories.
1.3. In the work of the Festival special Mass Media Jury is also taking part choosing the best entries in film and press.
2. Jury work organizing
2.1. The categories of jury are formed by the Directorate of the Festival. For each of the formed categories the Directorate assigns the Chairmen leading the work of their jury members. All jury members must follow the rules of jury work in accordance with present Regulation on jury work. All jury members must sign the protocol (evaluation list).
2.2 The Chairman of the jury check and signs final protocol of the session binding it with signature and together with protocols of all remaining jury members passes it to the representative of the Directorate (coordinator of the jury work) at the moment when the judging finishes.
3. Voting and evaluation rules
3.1. The main criteria of entries evaluation are creativity, originality, novelty of the idea and quality of its implementation. In Marketing contest projects’ effectiveness should be also taken into consideration.
3.2. In each contest the finalists are chosen by common voting of all jury members, due to the criteria stated in the protocol of judging, and form the short list. The amount of entries included into short list must be not less than 10% and not more than 20% of all of the entries submitted into this nomination. Short lists are published on the website during the Festival before the Award ceremony is held. All entries which get into finals are awarded with diplomas of the Festival.
3.3. From the entries included into short list of each nomination first, second and third places are selected. In accordance with jury’s decision there might be several first, second, third places selected. As well jury has the right not to nominate any entries as prize winners. First place entry is awarded with the statuette and diploma of the winner; second and third place entries – with diplomas of the Festival.
3.4. Marketing contest includes pre-selection procedure. Jury members not later than 5 days before the start of main judging session are provided with access to the originals of entries. In accordance with outlined in protocols criteria each member of the jury must evaluate the entries according to 10 points scale. Juries must look through the entries during 3 days after getting the originals and send their protocols by April 11. Based on average level of evaluation points the entries estimated at the level 10% less than the average level will be excluded from further participation in the contest.
3.5. Each jury category except for Social Advertising nominates 1 or 2 entries for Grand Prix from awarded first prizes. Grand Jury must choose one or several Grand Prix of the festival.
3.6. Jury members can’t vote for the entries in creation of which they were taking part. Their votes are not considered in calculation of average points of such entries.
3.7. In case of discovered mismatch between the entry and applied contest nomination the jury can recommend the Directorate of the Festival to shift this entry into another nomination. Decision about the shift of the entry is taken by the Directorate of the Festival without preliminary agreement with the participant.
3.8. In cases when the opinions of jury members are divided into equal number of votes the Chairman of the jury has the right of final decision. If the member of international jury is not able to participate in judging session, by reached agreement with the Directorate of the Festival it’s possible to distantly submit his/her protocol containing personal signature by the time the judging session ends. Chairman of the jury must accept such protocol and take into consideration while calculating final results. If such protocol has not been provided the member of jury is automatically losing his voting influence.
3.9. In case if more than 50% of jury members are missing at jury session due to different reasons, the Directorate of the Festival can fill the gaps with new members from general jury cast. If it happens schedule of work and regulations might be changed.
3.10. Jury can inquire from the Directorate of the Festival the documents proving the fact that the entries have been accepted by client. Directorate must inquire necessary documents from the contestants. Jury members are to evaluate this entry. Until the Award Ceremony the contestant must provide the documents proving their entry acceptance by the client. In case of non-provision of such document the entry can be withdrawn from participation in the Festival. Responsibility for reliability of provided documents bears the agency-contestant.
3.11. When judging the series of entries jury can award with short-list or prize the whole series as well as one single entry from the series on their own opinion, but not more than one award.
4. Additional positions
4.1. Among all the agencies participating in the Festival Creative agency of the Festival is chosen. Creative agency is considered to be the agency gained the highest number of points on the results of jury work. Creative agency of the Festival award is granted in accordance with points rating calculated in the following way:
- getting into short list in each contests brings 1 point
- taking the third place brings 3 points
- second place is evaluated as 6 points
- first place brings 9 points
- Grand Prix brings 12 points.
4.2. In accordance with personal criteria of jury members or suggested by Partners and the Directorate of the Festival, participants can be granted with special prize for their entry. Special prize of the Festival equals short list awards while calculating the points in these contests (1 point).
4.3. Mass Media Jury, alternatively to Creative Jury, evaluates the entries in contest nominations Press and Film, awarding just three awards, which are considered as first prizes in calculation of points in the rating of the agencies of the festival.
4.4. Information about the winners of the Festival remains closed until the Award ceremony. Jury members must not disseminate information about the finalists and winners of the Festival until the moment of official announcement of the results. In case of such information disclosure, and as well for the actions affecting timing and working process of the Festival, jury member can be disqualified by the Directorate of the Festival. Short lists when these are formed are getting available on the Festival’s website. Information about the winners which have taken the first, second, third places is announced at Award ceremony.
4.5. Chairmen of the jury must be present at open press-conference with the representatives of mass media and participants of the Festival. If the presence of any of the chairmen can’t be achieved the Directorate of the Festival chooses one of the representatives of this jury category on its choice.
4.6. Information about the winners is published on the website of the Festival and the leading industrial professional resources of the CIS and Europe after Award ceremony is held.